Liz Lalor

Liz Lalor has a practice covering all aspects of health, in particular specializing in the treatment of autoimmune disorders, and infertility. Liz brings to her teaching, experience in counselling and somatic psychotherapy. Liz uses constitutional homeopathy within a conventional counselling practice to help her patients understand more about themselves as a particular ‘homeopathic constitutional type’. Liz is able to draw upon her experience of counselling the more ‘unusual’ constitutional remedy profiles and has written articles on – Agaricus and Alice in Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland – Frodo and Gollum and the remedy profiles of Anacardium and Mancinella from Tolkien’s tale The Lord of the Rings – Hamlet and the remedy profile of Muriaticum acidum – Tarentula hispanica and the character of Iago from Shakespeare’s Othello and Anhalonium and Queen Galadriel from Tolkien’s tale The Lord of the Rings. Liz has published articles on Baryta carbonicum, Luna, Arnica, Medorrhinum, Natrum sulphuricum, Carcinosin, Lac humanum, Muriaticum acidum, and Homeopathic Psychiatry, in Similia, Homeopathy in Practice, Homeopathy International, Links, and American Journal of Homeopathy. Her first book: A Homeopathic Guide to Partnership and Compatibility is an exploration of constitutional remedy profiles and romantic compatibility. This was the first Materia medica to be sold in main stream bookshops. Liz is the originator of the Liz Lalor Fertility Program. Liz has worked with 262 different women and has been successful with 232 babies born. Liz has taught her fertility program in Australia, London, and the Netherlands. She has written articles on Vannier and her approach to infertility in Similia, Homoeopathic Medical Panorama, Homeopathy in Practice, Homeopathy International, and Links.

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